Hello Chaps



        Update 15/10/01

Well, the season is under way, once again.  A good win against Dendermonde, although unfortunately, we woz robbed in the Hungary game.  Two weeks until we're off to the salubrious climes of Sarajevo in Bosnia-Herzegovina - official statement from the UK Tourist Office "Most of the country is still covered in land mines".  Blinding.
The last couple of weeks have seen a deluge as far as cracking stories go.  Check them all out on the Scandal page.
All quiet on the Emmerson front...
Should be some more photos going up in the next couple of weeks.  Pictures from the Dublin tour and some from the Fat Boys mini-tour.



        Update 10/8/01

Well, I've returned after a well deserved holiday.  Recovering from handing over large sums of cash to the likes of Bart and Skippy takes its toll.  Bloody Lions, not that I'm bitter at all.  Ever.  Good job I'm not a cricket fan too...
Ladies and gents, it is that time once again.  Yes, the time for Matt to try and wheedle his way back to Lux.  However, this time he's going to bring a friend with him so that he "won't be so lonely".  Aah, poor fella.  Whether this friend will stop him from causing mayhem, pissing off his firm and the entire English-speaking community, shitting in sinks, suing his flat-mate, over-staying his welcome and leaving his dues unpaid is still to be confirmed.  Oh yeah, and according to his CV, he coached us through our 2003 World Cup campaign.  Funny, I don't remember him having anything to do with that...
The Brit web-site is now up and running - www.thebritanniapub.lu is there primarily for people to check times of sporting events.  There are also some very cheesy photos.  Check it out.
After having run this website for a good few months now, I'm still waiting for some decent contributions - discounting the mountain of mails I got for the 'Ask Matt' page.  So come on, if anybody has photos especially, or any gossip, or even wants to write an article, please get in contact.


            Little Red Machine


        Update 2/7/01

Life, Love and the Lions

After a pulsating first test between the Lions and the mediocre Wallabies, the British contingent are all looking fairly smug with themselves.  Especially after the barrage of e-mails and comments coming from the over-confident Aussies [and Bart].  However, the series isn't over yet, and no doubt the Wallabies will come out fighting for the next test.  Will the Lions still be too strong for them?  We shall have to wait and see [and pray].

However, following that victory, there were others as people celebrated in to the night.  For details in why the French are considered superior in the art of love, go to the Scandal Page...

        Till next week, and possible heavy celebrations,   



        Update 21/6/01

Ok, so it's been over a month since I last updated the site, and there's a reason for that - not a lot's been happening.  Everyone knows about the impending divorce between Handbag and Jez, but with no rugby, no tours, no parties, there's nothing to do.  Sorry about that.  Still, hopefully in the near future I'll be getting some photos developed from Dublin, and when they've passed the 'wgotsot' test from El Presidente, I'll put those up.  Just got to pull my finger out....


If anybody has any good pictures that they think would enhance the nature of the site, let me know.


On a slightly different note, I've now been commissioned with the task of setting up a website for The Britannia Pub.  In the near future www.thebritannia.lu should exist, letting you know when the next rugby game is on the tele.   Till then, you can find the preliminary designs at http://thebrit.freeservers.com  Let us know what you think.


And more news on websites.  As some of you may know, I've taken over the administration of the official RCL site.  The inclination to put a fat naked bird on the home page is currently being suppressed.  Anyway, there are some plans underway to get rid of the horrible sky blue background with our sponsors, Erin.  Unfortunately, not a lot seems to be happening on that front, but I'll keep you updated.

            Anyway, ta ta for now,



        Update: 7/5/01

A new week, some more updates [this is almost becoming a habit].  After a pretty mental weekend, the Scandal Page has been updated.  New to the website is 'Dave for President'.  After nearly two years of listening to Dave rant on various subjects, it was time to do something about it and set up a candidature and some policies.  You can find out more by reading our exclusive interview.  It's all tongue-in-cheek stuff, but if you're easily offended [I know a lot of you are], I suggest you avoid.  Also, I've added some photos of the Player's Dinner.  A bit late, I know [by about 6 months], but some are quite amusing.  They can be found with all the other pictures on [surprisingly] the pictures page.

            I can now be contacted @ uknowuluvituslag@hotmail.com

            Laters, Purse

            Update: 24/4/01[afternoon]

            Update: 24/4/01 [morning]

Well, after enough badgering from people to "Sort it out!" I've decided to pull my finger out and actually do something about updating the site.  So, what have we got for you?  First, I've cleaned out the site, a lot of the older news / updates have been removed.  Yesterday, some rather tasteful photos were found on the 'net from a couple of Lux sources.  Taken on the night of Handbag's cracking "Pimps and Prostitutes" party, they appear under the Pictures section.  Also there, are some pictures from the Player's Dinner.  Full details of all the latest gossip and scandal can be found under the Scandal page.

          Until the next time [probably September], 


        Update: 20/2/01

          Laters, Purse


This page was last updated on 10/15/01.2054